Monday, September 20, 2010

A Post From My Other Blog

Yes, I decided to move this post from my other blog. I have no idea what I was doing with two blogs. *rolls eyes*

Posted a long time ago:

I recently wrote a Hub on about being positive in order to improve your life. I have a friend who is just driving me crazy because every time I talk to her it's "poor me."

I hate that!!! Hate, hate, hate!!!

She talks about how hard life is, and how she has it so bad, and nobody thinks about her feelings . . . etc. It gets really boring after awhile. In fact, she's starting to drive me away with all of it. I don't want to not be friends with her, because we all need friends, but I don't have time for that much stress in my life. I have writing to do, and my own stress tries to get in the way sometimes!

This just made me start thinking about writers and writing. So many writers talk about how hard writing is. You know what, they're right! I'll be the first person to say that writing isn't easy! It's when they start complaining that it's hard that I usually flip.

Due to the rough economic times that we are in, I had to go get a job. My freelancing wasn't going as well as I would have liked (which was mostly my fault) and my husband suddenly found himself in a bad spot because he works in the construction industry at the moment. So I went out and found myself a full-time job writing website content for a company. It's a good job, a little boring (ok, a lot boring) but relatively easy and it pays ok.

But it isn't what I want to do the rest of my life. So what do I do? I write, and then I work on my writing on lunch. Sandwich in one hand, other hand writing. After work, I go home and write some more. I'm posting articles for sale, I'm trying to find clients to work for. In short, I am holding down a full-time job, taking care of my house and husband, and still building my freelancing business.

Here's the part that really kills some people . . .

I also still work on my fiction.

Needless to say, I don't get enough sleep. : )

But I'm writing! It's what I was born to do! It is what I am destined to do!

So when someone looks at me and tells me how hard it is to write, I laugh in their face. I tell them to look at the negativity they are spawning in themselves. Good job, you're force-feeding yourself failure. How does it taste?

By being more positive in all areas of your life, you will make life easier. You will let stress fall away, you won't freak over the little things, and you will be happier. Guess what? This leaves more room in your brain for better writing. The best writers I've heard of don't let worries plague them.

Especially when you sit down to write, clear your head and then think positively. Look at ever writing session like it is going to be your best. Wonderful things will start to happen.

By saying, "writing is hard" you make it hard. By saying "I don't have time" you're wasting time. By saying "my family doesn't support me" you are allowing your family to kill your dream.

No more excuses. No more pity-parties. Just be glad you can write! Not everybody enjoys that ability!

If you want to write, write. Stop talking and do it. If you aren't going to write, stop talking and let the rest of us get back to our writing and other dreams.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

–Lindsey Rainwater

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