Yesterday's task was to list 5 strengths that will help me achieve my goal by Jan. 1st.
1. Stubbornness
At the risk of sounding like I'm copying Angela, I am stubborn. Once I set my mind on something I want, I make it happen. I have my eye on a rental that we really can't afford right now, and I'm determined to make it easy for us to move into it. I wanted a certain type of man, and when I met Corey I made sure I got him (yes, he came willingly. I'm not THAT bad!) I wanted a certain wedding . . . you get the idea. I've never, ever settled for second best once I decide I REALLY wanted something. I REALLY want $200 a day by next year, and I won't allow myself to fail.
2. Viciousness
Yes. I'm a vicious person. I can be a great friend, but anyone who has ever gotten in between me and something I want has quickly learned I won't bat an eye when it comes to removing obstacles. I want to make it so everyone ends up happy if compromises and understandings can be come to, but I don't fool around with people or circumstances that try to tear down my dreams. They're dealt with swiftly and severely. End of story.
3. Creativity
Imagining and creating are my life. I really live for writing fiction, but that is something that takes time, so it doesn't pay the bills right now. But if I come to a problem or holdup, my creativity allows me to get past it somehow. Sometimes I will walk away from a situation for a day or two and just let my creativity stew on the issue. When I come back to it, "duh!" there's my solution. Corey calls it "Lindsey Logic" sometimes because occasionally I'll come up with a solution that makes absolutely no sense to him or anyone else, but in the end it works out perfectly.
4. Open Mindedness
While I can be stubborn at times when it comes to doing things my way, I'm always open to at least hearing some new input on the subject. I know I certainly don't know everything, and while I take all advice with a grain of salt, I do like getting it. The reason I take everything with a grain of salt is because nobody but me really understands where I'm at and what I'm trying to do, so only I can make qualified decisions on my writing. But sometimes getting input from other writers can give you a nudge in the right direction. Occasionally I even get amazing advice from people I know who are very smart, but know little to nothing about writing. Sometimes their perspectives can be enlightening just because they aren't biased on the subject of being a writer and making a living with it.
5. Flexibility?
I'm not really sure how else to put it. When something happens that changes my plans but it isn't necessarily BAD, I can learn to just go with it. I have very strong instincts, and get hunches a lot. Most of the time my hunches are dead on, and I thank the Lord every day for that. When I see a change in my path, I'll take a long look at it and ask myself if it is something that needs to be fought and removed (the aforementioned viciousness) or whether it is something I can just incorporate into my plans and use to reach my ultimate goal. I don't get so stuck on one path that I freak out if it doesn't happen the way I imagine it. Honestly, no matter how stubborn we are, how often do things actually happen the way we expect them to? It is far less stressful if you can just accept some changes and allow them to work for you instead of against you.
-- Lindsey Rainwater
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