Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Being Positive
It got me thinking about freelancing and writing, and how being positive can affect all the areas of our lives.
I posted on it on my other blog, and I really think you would like it. Click on the link to my other blog to see it.
When you do, don't just think about writing. Think about anything you're passionate about. Replace the word "writing" with that, and just think on it.
--Lindsey Rainwater
Friday, May 1, 2009
Success - A Start
Anyway, today I want to talk about success a bit. A new friend contacted me today through my other blog and said something about my success. I sat back and thought about that for a few minutes. I do consider myself successful even though in all reality I haven’t been in the freelancing business for very long. So what has brought me from newbie freelance writer to making good money every month? What has driven me to where I am now?
Now, perhaps this wouldn’t be all that unusual of a question for some people. But I am still quite young, and through my life I have not had the best reputation for being driven. Writing was the only thing I was passionate about for a long time, and even that was writing fiction, not freelancing to pay the bills. So what changed?
Honestly, I got sick of who I had been. I was smart, brilliant even, but I was unmotivated. One day I watched my husband head off to a job he doesn’t care for, and something just snapped in my mind. I had been struggling with depression and self-hatred for a couple weeks at this point, and for the life of me I could not figure out why. Watching him walk out the door with a smile on his face even though he doesn’t look forward to his work made it all fall into place.
I had the talent to make a lot of money. And I wasn’t using it.
Brilliance is meaningless if you’re not going to use it.
That was the day I got motivated. One of the first steps in success is to get motivated. Get the motivation to get up and take a bird’s eye look at yourself and your life. (We’ll talk about motivation more later.) Then get some courage. You have to be pretty brave to take a spotlight to yourself and find your greatest strengths and worst weaknesses. Often you will find that you have more weaknesses than strengths. Don’t let this tear you down. I let it destroy my drive for years and it got me NOWHERE!
This time I looked at my strengths and said, “Those are pretty darn good.” Then I looked at my weaknesses. I asked myself which could be done away with easiest, and started focusing on those. Don’t try to take on all your weaknesses at once. That could just overwhelm you. Instead, figure out one that is either easy to deal with once you focus on it, or the one that is REALLY standing in your way. Mine? Procrastination.
Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow.
Not anymore.
I still struggle with it, but when I find myself drifting away from my work, I clench my fists and say “No.” I get my butt back in my computer chair, and I work. If I’m really, really bored, or need a drink or anything that will cause me to walk away from my work, I look at the clock and make myself work for five more minutes. Each time I manage to stay at my work a little longer.
Another thing about your weaknesses: See which ones you can turn into strengths. I’m stubborn. I like getting my way, and sometimes I can be a real terror about getting it. Just ask my husband. So what did I do? I turned that ‘weakness’ that could have kept me from writing because I want to do other things, into a strength. I painted a mental picture of the life I want, but that I don’t have, and said, “I want that. And nothing is going to stop me from getting it. What is the best way for me to get there? Freelancing! Writing!” So now I have made my stubbornness work for me. Now it drives me to work more, because I want my dream life.
So take a good look at yourself. Write down your strengths and weaknesses, and post them somewhere you will see them. Every day try to diminish the weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Acknowledging them and working on them is one of the first steps to being successful, and everyone knows the first step is often the hardest.
There’s your obnoxiously long post! I’ll work on the next part and try to get it up soon!
--Lindsey Rainwater
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We Begin at the Beginning . . .
Ok, before we get into tips and tricks of freelancing, writing or otherwise, we should clear a few things up.
First, I need to lay it down and hammer out: What is a Freelancer?
A Freelancer is someone who is self-employed, at least part time, providing a specific service to others. I know this sounds vague, but that is the basis of it. Freelancing is not restricted to writing by any means; writing has just become one of the commonly heard-of types of freelancing. This is quickly falling to the wayside as more and more companies are outsourcing for not only writers, but freelance web-designers, graphic artists, and many others. If you have one or more creative talents, there is a good chance you can be a freelancer.
Being a freelance writer does not mean that you occasionally contribute to a blog. I don't care if you get paid a few pennies to do it. You're not a freelancer.
When you have a passion for something, and you make an income with it that you use to support yourself, then you are a freelancer. There are many ways to be a freelancer. You can have just a couple things you do part-time to supplement you other income, or you could be busy full-time with many clients. This is the beauty of being self-employed. You choose the guidelines. : )
If you are happy just making part-time money, good for you. As long as you are satisfied. But if you are looking to build an honest-to-goodness freelance business, it is going to take work and time. You will need to constantly be on the lookout for new jobs, and constantly marketing yourself.
For more info on freelancing, please go look at my friend Bianca's blog!
Soon we will go over more of what it means to be a freelancer, and what you need to be expecting when you opt for this lifestyle.